'Just what is a Psion?', I hear you asking. It is one of the most beautyfull handhelds ever made. Multitasked, large display, reasonable keyboard, many buildt-in software packages such as spread sheet, MS-Word-compatible wordprocessor, full blown Agenda, database, and much, much more. All that sized of a standard paperback.
Want more? Have a look at the FAQ to get an overview and an idea of this handheld. Or click here to view a photo of the The Archive
Please have in mind that some of the various packages in this archive are shareware and with paying us - the makers of this CD - you do not pay the individual shareware-author of the used software package.
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If you do like to comment the here distributed archive, please contact either me or Lee McLaughlin and tell us about, we'd be glad about *any* comment. But please remember that we are doing this for *fun*, not our professional work. Our time is limited.
A *very big* thankyou goes to Lee McLaughlin and his works on this archive!